AeroNet has been facing challenges in terms of connection rate & reach for their business customers utilizing VDSL2 technology. The loops are noisy and AeroNet is unable to support many modern applications such as Video, POS, Wi-Fi Hotspots, VPN and Cloud Backup. To satisfy these customers and win additional business, AeroNet has utilized the Positron 24 port Access Multiplexor (GAM-24-M) on copper twisted pair facilities to replace older VDSL2 products. Aeronet has implemented the GAM-24-M at a major shopping mall in Puerto Rico to cost effectively increase the bandwidth nearly tenfold and provide the modern services required in today’s business environment.

About AeroNet
Founded in 2001, AeroNet provides fast and reliable data communications in Puerto Rico, Florida and the US VI for small, medium and large businesses. AeroNet’s hybrid Fiber-Microwave network deliver business class Gigabit Internet and other solutions for business connectivity. The breadth of technology solutions offered by AeroNet help businesses face today’s challenges. Be it a hospitality, retail, education, startups, health, banking, restaurant chains or any other business. AeroNet offers powerful, secure and reliable technological solutions that help businesses to solidify their telecom infrastructure:
• Improving business efficiency and productivity through a one-stop-shop for customized, end-to-end telecom solutions.
• Assuring business continuity and reliability for uninterrupted operations.
• Providing flexible solutions that fit any size and type of business.
Initial Challenges
For these business applications utilizing VDSL2, the average copper distance was 100-300 meters utilizing CAT-3 Wiring (26 AWG / 0.4mm). Speeds were limited to 15 Mbps Downstream and 5 Mbps Upstream or less. These were also very noisy loops. Typical performance on a good loop should have been near 100 Mbps Downstream and 50 Mbps Upstream with VDSL2, but even that is no longer sufficient for modern business applications in many cases. Also, as mentioned in the synopsis above, AeroNet’s VDSL2 solution was unable to support many applications that demand solid upstream bandwidth.
Why and Positron
With the Positron GAM-24-M, AeroNet has been able to reliably increase their business customer speeds to 50/50 and 100/100 Mbps. They’ve also been able to unlock services such as Video, POS, VPN and Cloud Backup for these customers, which resulted in improved customer satisfaction, while driving additional revenue for AeroNet.
With the implementation of the GAM-24-M AeroNet was immediately able to provide the advanced services required by their business customer. They fed the GAM with Gigabit wireless transport, just as they’d been feeding their antiquated VDSL2 systems. The GAM utilizes this bandwidth much more effectively than VDSL2. Handing noise and crosstalk mitigation with VectorBoost and leveraging unique Dynamic Transmit Allocation (cDTA) capabilities delivers optimal bandwidth at all times, even under difficult loop conditions. It allows AeroNet to adjust to changing bandwidth needs (Upstream and/or Downstream) with less than 1 second reaction time. Additionally, with the superior Quality of Service (QoS) and the GAM Superior Management Interface and Security / Encryption / VLAN capabilities allow for ease of delivering the modern services required by businesses today. When compared to VDSL2 the Positron solution is easier to deploy, provision and manage, as well as lower cost in terms of first cost and operational costs over the lifetime of the solution.
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