Teko Tecomunica ( was approached in late 2019 by a hotel in Nicaragua which was looking for a high quality IPTV service along with High Speed Internet service to each of the guest rooms. They were under pressure to deliver a robust solution with very high quality IPTV very quickly and under a tight budget. Using the Positron solution, they met the challenge by installing a 12-port Access Multiplexer over COAX (GAM-12-C) over the existing coaxial infrastructure.

About Teko Tecomunica
Teko Comunica is based in Managua (Nicaragua) and is a wholly owned subsidiary of ICE Costa Rica. They are dedicated to providing telecommunications services in an integral way, with optimum quality standards, state-of-the-art equipment, and responsive technical support with a national presence. Teko provide their customers with the solution to create and manage their value-added services through high-speed Internet, transport services and data security.
Initial Challenges
The Auto Hotel is a small property offering a unique guest experience with 23 thematic guest rooms and 5 VIP rooms. They urgently required the installation of a state-of-the-art IPTV service for each of these rooms. They also required High Speed Internet access of 15 Mbps to each room. Since there was an existing coaxial infrastructure, the initial approach taken by Teko was to install an hybrid fiber and coaxial solution with a 3rd party CMTS and DOCSIS. Besides the very high cost of this approach, the main issue is that Teko quickly encountered serious quality concerns with the image quality and the resulting poor Quality of Experience to the guests. Since the average wiring distance to the guest rooms exceeded 100 meters, installing a Gigabit Ethernet Switch was out of the question. Teko was also looking for a solution that would easily and seamlessly interface with the GPON service they already had in place to serve the hotel.
Why and Positron
As Teko began investigating alternatives, they discovered the Positron solution. With the GAM-12-C, they were able to immediately leverage the existing coaxial cabling. The hotel ownership was also adamant about minimizing the impact of installation a new network and the resulting disruption to their operation this would create. It barely took one hour to install and activate GAM-12-C. The solution was initially validated with two (2) G1000-C End-Point serving two (2) guest rooms. It was ultimately expanded to serve all of the 28 rooms after the solution proved it could handle high quality IPTV along with the High Speed Internet (HSI) Access. While the current HSI offer is only 15 Mbps, the GAM-12-C can easily deliver Gigabit speeds to each guest room without any changes to the coaxial cabling or the GAM device.
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